I went to Vegas recently!!! And had a sexy time indeed. The adventures started right away- first, we went to Meow Wolf for a psychedelic experience of a lifetime- photos don't do it justice! We spent hours here before crashing in the hotel room. It was INSANE- you MUST visit if you never have. Guess who forgot to document the food again- me! But we ended up DEVOURING a beef wellington at one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants. At least I took a mocktail pic, right? The rest of the night was spent with old friends, checking out the local hot spots. Sorry not sorry- but those are staying a secret! The next morning, we woke up feeling refreshed and excited, and had an exhilarating time... enjoying our enormous hotel bed ;) ...as well as the shower, the dining table, and several other surfaces. Making some notes on where to film during future trips, we cleaned ourselves up and had a small walk to a nearby Brahman shrine that was nearby our hotel. We shared a moment of spiritual refreshment, and meditated briefly on leaving behind unwanted attachments. We left feeling wonderfully light and cleansed, with incense filling our nostrils and light in our hearts. We departed just in time for a special trip- to Zak Bagan's one and only HAUNTED MUSEUM! I'd been planning this for an entire year, and can truly say it was 100% worth every dime! Photos aren't allowed, but they had everything from Charlie Manson's ashes to the cauldron used by Ed Gein, the legendary Dybbuk box, and Kevorkian's actual deathmobile. I even spent awhile gazing into Bela Lugosi's haunted mirror- which felt surprisingly comforting. It was definitely my favorite haunted artifact. We were exhausted by the end of the tour- it was WAYYYY longer than we'd expected! Next day was the AVN convention to support and surprise some friends! I was busy running around, but we did manage to get a quick latex snap! Lots of other people took pictures and posed with me, though, so I'm sure I'll run into those and post some (as is usual at conventions for me). We ended up playing some slots immediately afterwards, and I ended up winning 5x my money on Dracula slots- perhaps I'd been blessed by Mr. Lugosi's mirror? The afterparty was fun, but we were excited to spend time having fun in private, so we spent maybe 20 minutes showing face before we dipped. And yes, we did see The Sphere on our walk back, as well as doing some sightseeing and shopping while going to and from. If you're liminal space fan, Vegas is a dream come true! We also saw so many INCREDIBLE 2025 snakes and dragons for the new year- which had great personal significance to me, and touched my heart. It was a very fulfilling trip- and I can't wait to return! But no matter how incredible Vegas may be, it's still good to be home and back to my usual routine. There's no place like home :)
As many of you may have noticed, I'm not exactly big on social media posting. The idea that my posts should have infinite rules imposed upon them, only to be stymied in visibility, shortened, cropped weirdly, pushed into silly little trends... it all seems silly, when I could be creating doing actual work, which I actually enjoy, for my actual sites. Consequently, I usually rely on the quality of my work to speak for itself, letting marketing slide to the wayside.
On top of that, experience and observation have shown me (and many of you!) that the more someone posts their life online, the more miserable of a person they tend to be- they're usually compensating for something, and are oh-so-desperate for you to please, please, please believe them. "My relationship is functional! I'm rich! I'm beautiful!" while their life offline tells a distinctly different story. They spend ten minutes getting the correct angle and lighting for their dinner, as it slowly grows cold. They fail to enjoy the pleasures sitting before them, all to prove to an ephemeral and mostly-uncaring audience that they are something that they're not, because if just one person believes that lie, maybe it'll finally become real. As this naturally implies, I've been too caught up in enjoying my life to waste my precious time obsessively documenting it. Unfortunately, this makes one important thing difficult: connecting with all of you. I don't want to clog up my "spicy" sites with my more mundane vacation activities, etc., but part of me misses the simplicity of being able to see what all of my scene friends are up to in long-form, minus the algorithm and censorship. I miss seeing my cohorts as more than simply content, and I miss seeing how their brains tick, minus the constraints of platforms and pure marketing. I can't help but think I'm not the only one who feels this way. Hence, this blog. Bookmark it. Check it regularly. There's much more to come. |